Food Science Gal
All You Need to Know
Hi, I am Laura Schmutzer, a professional Clinical Dietitian, passionate about health, nutrition, and happiness. I am here to help people reach their goals, identify food sensitivities, and improve nutrition through custom meal plans and counseling. Please get in touch to learn more about nutritional services and packages available. I love to teach others to address nutritional needs including helping with weight loss and prevention of chronic disease.
Check out my blog:

“Working with Food Science Gal was a life-changing experience. I learned how to take control of my own health through a nutritious diet plan that makes sense — reasonable changes I can actually apply to my life. Food Science Gal gave me some of the most helpful tips and tricks, and helped me become a more energetic and healthier individual. I highly recommend working with this Clinical Dietitian.”
Reese Mathers
"I came to my good friend Laura to drop some “baby fat” that I’ve put on pretty steadily over the last 6 years. I gained 50 lbs and through Laura’s guidance have shed 20lbs. I promise you that if you faithfully stick to her plan you will feel better, look better, and achieve your nutritional or weight loss goals. She bent over backwards for me, and she was excited about helping me."
Andy Taylor

"Perseverance, secret of all triumphs"
Victor Hugo

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